At the corner of love and faith
Corners, these mystical places between past and future. A pause between where you’ve been and where you want to go. A spot where it seems time is standing still and nothing happens.
You know exactly where you came from. The situations and persons you left behind. The things you really like to forget. That is why you made this choice. That is why you turned this corner.
And there is already this feeling, a knowing what you want for your future. You know it’s out there because it speaks to you in your dreams, night and day. This longing for the one thing you want so badly.
Only, it isn’t tangible yet. You are so ready, so willing and so able and still it isn’t there. So now what?
But have you looked up? Have you seen the name of the place you’re at?
You’re standing at the corner of Love and Faith.
With a Love so fierce for the amazing thing you deserve in your life.
And a Faith, that even though you can’t exactly see how this path of yours is going to unfold, know that you will meet it at exactly the right time.
Keep believing. You’re worth it.
Copyright picture: Sonja Quintero