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Emotions Relationships

Powerful words

22 December 2018
Thoughts and prayers, xoxo, all my love; words that are so easily expressed whenever we think about a person or wish them all the best. On a postcard, in a text message or whenever Facebook reminds us of a memorable day. But are we aware of the real effect our words have on people? And does the person that receives them, truly understands what we meant to say?
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

The answer is love

27 July 2018
'Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift'. The things I believe in and the stories that I write are all based on the meaning of these words. But can we learn in a different more easy way?

Heart versus head

28 June 2018
Your head might tell you things. But it's your heart that remembers the truth.
HSP Relationships

Sensitive and in love

2 March 2017
Love is always the answer, no matter what the question is. A beautiful statement that in most cases definitely is true. Being compassionate comes natural for highly sensitive persons, and many of them will respond with love in various situations. It is a beautiful side of our trait of being sensitive, but one that especially for HSP’s can become a pitfall, particularly when it comes to relationships.

Signs of a love deficiency

19 December 2016
You and I, we are living creatures. We have a heart that beats, blood that flows through our veins and brains that work. We have eyes and ears that observe and take in lots of things, feelings within that respond and all this held together by our skin. We have this well-oiled system that works together. That can keep working together because we nourish it with what it needs. We give it oxygen, food and water. It’s all that we basically need to survive, right?